DC Type

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Views: 127
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The 21st Century Manufacturing Style! We offer next generation welding quality! 

  • A wide variation-6 model  
  • Easy selection for input voltage, 200V series: 200V-220V, 400V series: 380V-400V-440V
  • Equipped with power supply: DC 24V of electrode force for standard and AC100V or AC110V made on order
  • A built-in type weld controller, setting can be operated by program box (Optional)
  • Welding conditions: 31 Channels
  • A wide variety of weld conditions with up-slope, down-slope, pulsation and 2 step weld
  • Easy remote operation and equipped lead wire: 20m between main unit and program box or monitor box
  • The display contents on program box and monitor box can be switched between Japanese and English
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Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Belief
Easy Remote Operation
Easy Remote Operation
High Reliability Welding
High Reliability Welding
High Performance
High Performance

Product Specifications



Welding Power

AC220V +10% -20% , 3φ


Output voltage 300V (Crest
Output current 170A (Crest
Maximim capacity 51kVA
Rated capacity 17kVA

Welding Output

Welding Current 5000A
(when duty cycle is less than 6%
welding transformer EIT-50)

Use conditions

Ambient air temperature
Humidity Less than 90%

Control method

Constant current , constant or constant power using
current and voltage feedback

Control Rate

Automatic frequency control

Welding condition

Welding condition seetting 15 Channels

Weld time

UP1 , UP2 0~50ms:WELD1 , WELD2

Current setting
Voltage setting
Power setting range

HEAT1 , HEAT2 400~5000A
HEAT1 , HEAT2 0.4~4.0V
HEAT1 , HEAT2 0.50~9.99kW

Pulsation setting

PULSE1 , PULSE2 0~9times

Condition Monitor

Current , Voltage , or Power
Upper 0~99% Lower0~99%
Alarm output: Open collector 100ms

Output Squzzing

DC24V 130mA(3W Solenoid Valve)


182(W) x 292(H) x 390 (D)
(Not containing breaker or connector)



Welding Transformer

WIT-50: 19kg
162(W) x300(H) x 335(D)

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